Palak tofu and other things
My last week before returning to work full-time has almost come to a close. I don’t have a coherent narrative or theme to write about, so I’ll just do some lists for the week.
Bad things: Evan went to the Lions game and came back worse for wear. Drew’s still in “mama lap” mode (i.e., most meals must be consumed on my lap; it feels like all of my clothes are in the laundry with food stains.) There were many tantrums, and several nights with shitty sleep.
Good things: I uninstalled Instagram and TikTok. I did yoga once and danced wildly in my bedroom one evening for aerobic activity. I read a lot (good), but mostly subpar romance novels (bad). I spent a wonderful afternoon with Drew, Leslie and Aleks biking to Ocean Beach, soaking in the sunshine, followed by takeout yellow curry and a glass of wine. I watched Jacqueline Novak’s Get on Your Knees with Evan, which we both enjoyed overall (very long & frantic, but very original and genuinely funny.) We took Drew to a friend’s birthday party in the park and Drew remained in circle time with the musician for most of the performance before getting too handsy with a seal puppet and needing to roam free. Drew let me put her hair in space buns one day. We ate really well this week! More on that:
Carrot muffins (from Whole Food Cooking Every Day by Amy Chaplin)
Spelt waffles
Palak tofu (from Plant Based India by Dr. Sheil Shukla) + crispy chickpeas
Rye pasta with a chunky caramelized onion, leek, cannellini bean, and kale sauce & a salad with tokyo turnips, radishes, and tahini mustard dressing
Peanut butter apple bars (from Veganomicon)
Lentil & walnut loaf with a side of “orange mash” (aka mashed butternut + sweet potatoes + russet potatoes) and riced cauliflower
[No picture, oops]